MY signature 1:1 coaching PROGRAM COVERs

Healthy routine upgrade

self-care strategy

Stress management



Sleep hygiene 


health goals

reflections on your progress

Together, we’ll uncover what’s been holding you back, what’s negatively impacting your health and create goals that align with where you want to be. I’ll provide accountability and motivation to help you reach your goals and develop a healthy routine that will lead to long term success and improved health.

        I created my programs...

I used to be stuck in the unhealthy habit and routine trap. And in times of stress, naturally I would succumb to my old patterns and unhealthy ways of being. I want women to feel empowered and in charge of their own health. I’m ready to help you create healthier habits so you too can feel your best and reach your goals.


Invest In Yourself


Total Health Reset

1:1 health coaching in a 6 month program designed for you
Bi-Weekly 1:1 coaching calls & support in between sessions via voice note & text
Access to all WELL courses/guides & WELL online dispensary with a discount on supplements & sale days
Endless support & cheerleading

Total Investment $3000


The Micro Reset

1:1 health coaching in a 3 month program designed for you
2 x 60 minute sessions per month (total of 6 sessions) 
Access to coach via email in between sessions 

Total Investment $1800 



A collaborative 1:1 session to discuss your health concerns, and goals and get clear on what your next steps are. Includes personalized recommendations.
1 x 60 minute 1:1 call, follow up notes + action steps

Total Investment $250

We’ll work together on developing

new habits 

around your health and mindset



long-term wellness.

new pathways



How long is the process?

I offer a 6 month signature program, a 3 month micro program as well as on demand concierge sessions.

Why commit for 6 months?

As we know, change doesn't happen overnight. It takes time to shift your daily habits and implement real lasting change. 

Are the personal details I share kept confidential?

I will only use the information you provide within the context of your health coaching program, to help you achieve your wellness goals.

Do you offer payment plans?
